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Our Chiropractic Services

We use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and years of experience.

The primary adjusting techniques we use include:

Adjusting Instruments

Think of an adjustment as “tuning” a piano, adjusting each string so it produces the perfect tone.


Sacro Occipital Technique helps normalize the relationship between the pelvis and the head, using gravity to make the necessary correction. read more»

Activator Methods®

This is a system of spinal evaluation combined with a handheld adjusting instrument that delivers a consistent, low-force thrust. read more»

AK Applied Kinesiology

Testing the strength of specific muscles of your body helps us find structural, chemical and mental problems and monitor your results. read more»

Other Techniques Used at Williamstown Chiropractic Health:

  • Chiropractic Neurology
  • Paediatric Chiropractic
  • Cranial
  • Chirodontics
  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese medicine
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise rehabilitation
  • Massage



Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is a system of healthcare that has developed over 2000 years. Incorporating acupuncture as well as Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine views illness as the body being out of balance. While Chinese medicine is effective in treating illness, it has also traditionally been used to keep people healthy, in contrast to treating people when they have become sick.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture uses fine filiform needle to tap into various points around the body, empirically and scientifically shown to have specific effects on the body. All needles are sterile, single use needles which are disposed of immediately after use.

What can it help with?

Acupuncture may benefit;

– Musculoskeletal pain; back and neck pain, arthritic pain, repetitive strain injuries, headache, sports injuries

– Gastrointestinal; constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, indigestion, nausea, reduced appetite

– Gynaecology and Obstetrics; pregnancy support, painful periods, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome

– Emotional; stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, substance withdrawal,

– Respiratory; common cold, asthma, hay fever

Also, look at the WHO for conditions that acupuncture can treat.

Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is a key aspect of Chinese medicine. Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to treat illness and restore body balance by improving digestion, improving immunity as well as many other ailments. Every illness is unique and so formulas can be tailored to suit your condition.

The Treatment

The whole session generally lasts from 30-40 minutes depending on the condition being treated. After taking a history, acupuncture needles are inserted and retained for approximately 20 minutes during which time the patient is left to relax and let the acupuncture take effect.

If you’ve been to a chiropractor before and prefer to be adjusted in a particular way, let Dr. Watson (Chiropractor) know. We want you to relax, enjoy and fully benefit from your chiropractic care.

Are you a good candidate for today’s chiropractic care? Find out!

Williamstown Chiropractic Health Group | (03) 9397 7075